Home Page


Ink Blot Publishing

Welcome Home

Welcome to the home page of Ink Blot Publishing, your welcome to poke around and see what we are all about. All the products sold by Ink Blot Publishing will be priced 10% higher than it costs to make and ship the product. All of the money made from our products will go strait into improving the company for the sake of the consumer. 10% of the profits from our products, and the money donated to myself will be given to a new charity each month.
Regards, Seth  

Any questions mail us


20051013-We exist, golf clap.

20051017-The site is almost complete grammar problems and such are mostly all that’s left to fix.

20051104-The site is looking better not perfect but will be getting a face lift soon. Our new domain name will be www.inkblotpub.com once I get payed.

Where is this product I speak of?

If you have not had the honor of checking out the shop go to www.cafepress.com/inkblotpub. It could use a face lift but for now you will have to deal with being able to get cool cheap products.

Why should I donate?

All of the products created and sold are funded by what little money we make off of our products as well as out of pocket money. Another thing spent on these products is hours of time a day, not that I don't love the work. So in short the only money that ever sees my pocket from this company is the money that good people like you donate out of appreciation for the work I am doing, and even then that money might get sucked back in.

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